Human Design Generator Marketing Tips!
The Generator is one of the five types in the Human Design System. As a Generator, you have a unique energy and strategy for navigating the world and fulfilling your life's purpose.
Here are some key characteristics of the Generator type:
Energy: Generators have an enormous wealth of energy and power, although you cannot use it directly. The key to the Generator’s power is response, and there is nothing more powerful than a Generator who acts out of response. When a Generator is doing work that they love, they have a boundless source of energy. The key is to wait. When a generator waits, they become like a magical black hole that attracts everyone to them. Most of my clients struggle with waiting to respond and start initiating out of impatience. You have to put your faith in the universe sometimes and trust that when you use your strategy of waiting to respond, more opportunities will come.
Strategy: Generators have a strategy of waiting to respond before taking action. This means that Generators are designed to respond to invitations, opportunities, and signs from the universe before initiating their own actions. Yes, you do need to trust that the universe will bring you things to respond too! Patience isn’t a Generators strong suit.
Satisfaction: Generators are designed to experience satisfaction and fulfillment when they are doing work that aligns with their authentic self and their life's purpose. When a Generator is doing work that they love, they will feel energized and fulfilled. This means, choose to spend your valuable energy on things that truly light you up! This in turn gives you more energy! WINNING! When my clients tap into this, I swear it’s like freaking unicorn magic!
Authority: Like all types in the Human Design System, Generators have a unique inner authority that they can use to make decisions. This authority may be emotional, gut-based, or based on intuition, depending on the individual. Most of my clients have a Sacral authority which means trust your gut. I always tell them, If it doesn’t feel right, it ain’t right!
so to wrap this generator party up!
When it comes to marketing, Generators may want to focus on communicating their passion for their work and their commitment to doing work that aligns with their authentic self. You are wired to write in response to something that already exists, not initiate. It is more aligned to respond to ideas and give your insights and opinion.
Give your audience time to respond. You are uniquely wired to add to the conversation. Think of it as providing commentary to the world around you.
Use your strategy of waiting to respond to create marketing campaigns that are well-timed and effective. A side note is to give your audience TIME to respond.