The Fresh Start Framework
Are you ready to double down on your unique way of operating?
Trust me, When you see how you’re meant to operate, everyone else’s way looks bat shit crazy.
The Fresh Life Approach Starts With The Foundation First…
you are the driver behind your results. people are buying into you, not just what you sell.
And if you aren’t showing the real, most confident version of yourself, your people can’t find you.
So, first things first, we work in levels, starting with the foundation and moving all the way to your external strategy.
Here’s your plan of attack…
Level 1: Remove the blocks, beliefs, doubts and see how you are designed to operate
Level 2: understand and implement your energetic Business strategy.
Level 3: Accountability. You know who you are and what you want. It’s time to implement everything you learned!
Now is the time to shift into YOUR path and see how much of an impact you can make when you aren’t weighed down by doubt and fear.
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Discover Your Key to Awesomeness
Just To Be Clear…
This program will completely change your reality.
I hold you to the highest standard of your potential.
Together we will remove anything that is blocking you from connecting and sustaining that standard you set for yourself. Because I don't see your limitations, I see your gifts.
Your strategy will be effortless and feel like flow because it’s built on a solid foundation.
Are you ready to take the leap and finally get out of your own way?
Here’s how to get started…
Level 1 Details
this is where you start.
Done with you Gene Key Workbook focusing on how you are designed to operate
1:1 program with daily practice and new habit guidance
Two (2) 1-hour Zoom calls per month 1:1 with Renee
Access to private Voxer for support
4-month program: $2800
Level 2 Details
after you complete level 1, you move up to level 2.
Business strategy workbook created from your Human Design and Gene Keys
Live tag team doc jam-packed with content prompts, networking ideas, growth strategy based on your design, and gifts
Two (2) 1-hour Zoom calls 1:1 with Renee
Content audit and guidance
Access to private Voxer
2-month program: $1400
Level 3 Details
the final stage.
1:1 check-in calls with Renee
Access to private Voxer for support
accountability and continual support as you need.
You were perfect, confident, and happy from the moment you came into this world.
But along the way, you slowly started to forget it. You now distrust the things that make you unique. And you’re ready to remember.
Does this sound familiar?
You‘ve gone from thing to thing, forcing and doubting yourself every step of the way. You put everyone else’s opinions of what you “should be doing” above your own.
Now, you want to know if your track is right for you and if you’re using the best plan and strategy to get you where you want to go.
Well. That’s exactly what I teach you how to do.
Here’s the truth. That amazing, confident, happy person you can feel calling you to greatness, the one constantly sending you signs, is your higher self. And she is eagerly waiting for you to wake up, remember your truth, and reclaim your power!
YOU DESERVE TO PUT YOURSELF FIRST. Your happiness is not selfish; it’s non-negotiable.
I will guide you to a version of your life where you’re deeply connected to your higher self, teach you the techniques and practices to create your ideal reality, and double down on the business and life your soul is begging you to create.
No more second-guessing, no more seeking external validation. It's just pure alignment with your true self.
It's not about what you get but who you become.

What people are saying
“Renee doesn’t just tell you what you want to hear. She tells you the truth based on who you are.”
I now know exactly what my strengths are, and how to utilize them as the driving force behind what makes me unique in my industry.
— Jacky Franco

Ready to Embrace Your
True Potential?

What people are saying
The amount of care and thought that you put into the experience before we even started our time together was truly impressive and so appreciated.
It was such the gift of a permission slip to know that this is what I was meant to do - and to feel reassured that it is time to claim it and own it!
— Kristin Svets
other services
So excited to help you change your life.
Not ready for the 1:1 stuff just yet? Check out the Fresh Life Group Coaching program!