The Life Audit


a fresh approach to abundant living

You know what it’s like to build a business through force. How about you give ease a try?


Get ready to create an abundant life in a nonconventional way.

No, you don’t have to do more, no, you don’t have to kill yourself and grind 24/7. In fact, all of my clients are doing WAY LESS than when we started. And wondering why they didn’t start working with me sooner.

True Prosperity Is Within Your Reach.

But you must remove all the things under the surface that keep you in old thought patterns of struggle and not enoughness.

Strategy won’t surpass your subconscious.

By being in my energy, you will expand and excel your prosperity in every area of your life. We will go under the surface of the conscious mind and see what the subconscious is holding on to that is keeping you from ease, becoming magnetic, and living an abundant life.

I know how to harness your energy for maximum efficiency, and because of our internal work, your external life can’t help but follow suit.

This is more than just a coaching program—it's about creating a life that feels full, rich, and authentically yours.


You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it

You are magic, it's time to share it


What’s included?

This session is 4 hours spread over 2 days and priced at $6000.

Session 1:

This is all about discovery and alignment—uncovering any limiting beliefs and blocks that might be holding you back and activating your magnetic force. Go into practices to allow life to move you instead of controlling it. Step confidently into your true self and map out your vision and goals, ensuring everything is energetically aligned and ready for action.

Session 2:

Get ready to work! Day 2 is all about implementation. What’s the use of knowing all this amazing information if you don’t know how to apply it? I work alongside you to rewire your mindset and creating new, empowering programs. This is your opportunity to rebuild your reality from the ground up. With help from your Gene Keys and Human Design, your new life is going to feel oh soooo good.

Also included in your session:

  • Four 1:1 guidance sessions to use as you need. These will be 1-hour sessions held on Zoom.

  • 40 page workbook on your Human Design and Gene Keys.

  • 1 year access to the Personal Mastery Pathway Membership.

  • 4 month Voxer support for massive breakthroughs and updates!


Who is this for?

Let me share some real human stories of those who have said yes!

  • Record-Breaking Revenue: The month after our work together, one client achieved her highest revenue month ever, directly tied to the internal shifts she made.

  • Freedom from Anxiety: A client learned and applied techniques that completely erased her anxiety, allowing her to step into a life of calm and control.

  • Triple the Clients, Triple the Confidence: One woman saw her client base triple as she learned to trust herself fully. Her newfound confidence radiated through her business and life.

  • Embracing Rest as a Gift: A mother finally recognized that her need for rest and alone time wasn’t selfish but essential. She now puts herself first, without guilt, and her family and business is thriving.

  • Doubling Her Rates, Doubling Her Worth: Another client released old money programs and doubled her rates—she finally saw the value of her work and wasn’t afraid to claim it.

  • Healthier Lifestyle, Happier Life: Many clients have adopted healthier habits, not because they had to, but because they finally felt worthy of living their best life.

  • A Bold Career Shift: Another client shifted industries completely and found her true calling, increasing her revenue while doing work that feeds her soul.

I will gladly refer you to every single one of these clients so you can see the truth for yourself!


What You'll Experience:


You’re not here to just be successful in one area. You’re here to thrive in all aspects of your life.


are you ready to become a magnetic original and attract endless synchronistic opportunities?


Over the course of our two-day, four-hour session, I will guide you through an experience of awareness you’ve never felt. So you can create real change, real quick.


You're about to use your magic to unlock whatever you set your sights on.

I am the way-shower, and my purpose is to give you a viable direction to create an incredibly easy and flowing life.

other services

Get a more extended experience to go at your own pace.


Prefer to learn at your own pace? Check out the Pathway To Personal Mastery program!

Sound like a fit?

What people are saying

This is mind blowing work! You completely redefined the word marketing.

I now know exactly what my strengths are, and how to utilize them as the driving force behind what makes me unique in my industry.

— Jacky Franco


Are you ready to clear the path?

This Life Audit takes place in

4 hours spread over 2 days.

other services

Get a more extended experience to go at your own pace.


Prefer to learn at your own pace? Check out the Pathway To Personal Mastery program!

Sound like a fit?

All the juicy details.