Are You Hiding Your Passion?

I told him I couldn’t believe he was hiding this!

Are you ready for a cool story? I was hired recently by a client who wanted captions and graphics for their businesses’s Instagram. Of course I was stoked to get a new client, so off I went pulling, sifting, searching, digging through all of their content. I swear every time I start a client project it’s like a treasure hunt and my mission is to get allll the gold!

As I was pulling content, I started seeing this little piece of gold shining through. In a mountain of content appeared a blog that hadn’t gotten any love recently but my gut immediately knew I hit the jackpot. 

It was almost like all these years of passion and experience were oozing out of the screen. My client was pouring his heart out, and hilarious analogies into these blogs and that just got left behind like a bad habit.

So I repurposed some of it and then went on my way doing what i do best, creating content magician magic…until delivery day came. I could not sit back and not say anything about this gold mine of content! 


Then after I realized I just practically yelled at my client, I told him that THIS content needs to be brought back to life and his face lit up! I’m talking that face when you literally feel the excitement in their energy radiate.

He thought that the content he was writing wasn’t anything special, that it was just his thoughts written out.. But I saw more. I encouraged him to take messy action and just let his heart flow.

He is now writing like a mad man, dropping knowledge and love and glorious goodness for the world to see and I could not be more proud. 

Just like my dear client, you have that same passion begging to be seen. You just need a little encouragement to bring it out. So if you are ready to get some help finding that golden nugget of content, I am here when you’re ready!

Here’s how you can Share Your Sauce with the world!

  1. Go through your content and find anything that makes you smile, makes you light up, maybe even get a little nervous to share.

  2. Get a quiet space ready, then grab a piece of paper and a pen. Ask yourself “if this was fun how would I show up?” and start writing stream of consciousness. See what comes out!

  3. Eliminate all of your doubts around your new golden shiny content. Eliminate the thoughts of what people will think, the thoughts of no one cares, and if you want you can get really woo woo and write them all out on a paper and burn them!

There you have it! Life is to short to waste it caring about limiting beliefs and hiding away out of fear or doubt. Let your freak flag fly friends!

If you know you have some magic you haven’t been sharing with the world, let Fresh Life Marketing help you by guiding you and encouraging you every step of the way!


How To Build Your Services For Your Business.


How To Repurpose Your Blog Post Into An Instagram Caption!