Human Design and the Gene Keys: Using Them to Create Engaging Marketing Content

Have you heard about Human Design and the Gene Keys? If not, stick with me, friend, I’m about to blow ya mind!

Human Design is an incredibly powerful tool for understanding your body, mind, and soul you could call it a lifesaver, saving grace, or best thing eva. The Gene Keys are a series of 64 “genetic messages” which provide insight into our lives and how we interact with other people. Both of these systems have been gaining traction in recent years, but they are also becoming increasingly important tools for creating engaging marketing content.

Because there is a bigger force at play here friend! We are not here to blend in. We came to this earth with a unique purpose!

This is where the magic of storytelling comes in…

Every business needs to tell captivating stories in order to stand out from its competition.

Can you confidently tell your audience/ the market what sets you apart from anyone else in your industry?

If not, don’t worry. That is exactly what I help with!

There’s no better way to tell your story than by leveraging the power of human design and the gene keys. These systems can be used to create stories that resonate with potential customers on a deeper level—stories that get to the heart of who they are, what motivates them, and what their individual journey looks like.

This type of storytelling has the power to transform mundane, forced, awkward, no matter what you do, it just doesn’t feel right in your bones, marketing content into something that truly resonates with audiences.

Hello marketing that feels oh so good in all the right places. 

Human design and gene keys also unlock creative possibilities for marketers who want to create more engaging content without relying on traditional (and often slimy) methods like the same “guru swears by blueprint” or rinse-and-repeat strategies that are just copy-paste and not custom to your design.

Using this type of creative approach helps business owners make an impact on their audiences in unexpected ways while still driving home their key message or product offering.

AKA, sell your shit and share your story with CONFIDENCE.

moral of the story, you have everything you need to succeed in life and business. You need to remind yourself who the f you are and tell your mind and limiting beliefs to kick rocks.

If I haven’t convinced you yet, the final things I want to leave ya with are:

Human design and gene keys are powerful tools that can be used to create engaging marketing content which in normal terms, means they help you create stories that your people feel on a soul level. By leveraging these systems, you as a business owner, can tell captivating stories that resonate with potential customers on a deeper level.

So if you’re looking for a new way to engage your customers, consider integrating human design and gene key insights into your strategy and kick the yucky, forced marketing that you can’t seem to find your groove with to the curb. It just so happens that I have an Immersion experience where I tell you exactly what your differentiator is, your unique energetic marketing strategy, content prompts, and a 40 plus page guide to use as a reference guide for all your marketing collateral!


A Guide to Understanding Gene Keys


How To Build Your Services For Your Business.